Epic Games - 15 days of free PC games starting December 17 (updated with game list)

Epic Games announced that they will be giving away 15 games in their store starting on December 17th. The company will offer a free game every day until the end of the year, in addition to deep discounts at the rest of the store.

Epic's move is similar to last year's promotion, where players will be able to redeem a free game each day, which will be available for 24 hours between December 17, 2020 and January 1, 2021.

For its part, the Epic Games store did not reveal which games will be distributed for free, so they will seek to maintain the mystery and capture the attention of players every day. Last year, the company released teasers indicating which titles would be distributed for free in the store. In addition to the distribution of free games, Epic Games promises to offer deep discounts on various games during their holiday promotion, reaching up to 75% on the prices of some titles.

While the promotions will begin on Thursday.

By The Epic Games Store Team
We’re getting ready for the season of giving with our most festive sale of the year!

The Epic Games Store Holiday Sale begins on December 17, and we’ve got some goodies in store for you. Unwrap deals up to 75% off, but that’s not all....

Also starting December 17, we’ll be giving away a new game each day for two weeks straight - that’s right, it’s 15 Days of Free Games! Each game will be free to claim for just 24 hours, but they’re yours to keep forever.

Now is the perfect time to browse and add any games you’re interested in to your Wishlist while logged in to your Epic account - you’ll receive a notification if they go on sale.

Happy (Early) Holidays, everyone!

We have attached an alleged / not confirmed list that got leaked. The first game will be activated on December 17th at 5 p.m., so we will receive the last game on December 31st. At this time, of course, the winter sale will start in the Epic Game Store, where you can buy a few games for a small thaler if necessary. We're not 100% sure about this list, but if true, that would be awesome as they are triple-A games. No guarantees though, and fingers crossed as that sounds like it is too good to be true. Also, these might just be the titles that get that discount (hey, it's a possibility)

Presumed List of Epic Games Store Free Games

A secondary rumor would indicate these on the following dates:

Update: the first game is Cities: Skylines, making the earlier list look very unplausible.

17 - You can grab City Skylines for free here.
18 - You can grab Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty for free here
19 - You can Grab HyperScape here

Epic Games - 15 days of free PC games starting December 17 (updated with game list)

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/epic-games-15-days-of-free-pc-games-starting-december-17/