Elder Scrolls Online to debut DLAA, new Nvidia new Anti-Aliasing technology (based on DLSS)

Deep Learning Antialiasing, often known as DLAA, is a new Anti-Aliasing technology being developed by Nvidia and mentioned by Zenimax in one of its periodic live broadcasts that The Elder Scrolls Online will be the first game to utilize it. 

n addition to supporting the game, this new technology will be built on top of DLSS, which should improve image quality rather than increase performance.

At the time of the stream, the developers behind the MMORPG addressed the new features of their next DLC, Deadlands, as well as the modifications that they will be bringing to the game in their next major update, number 32. With this new patch, ESO joins the list of games that will be able to utilize DLSS, and it also becomes the first game to utilise DLAA technology. This is meant to provide a performance boost for RTX GPUs with lower performance levels. Since the most recent optimization patch, the most powerful RTX models are already capable of running the game at extremely high frame rates. Instead of employing DLSS, these GPUs will be able to take advantage of a new Nvidia technique dubbed DLAA, which, instead of providing a performance boost like DLSS, will increase image quality by introducing proper anti-aliasing.

Rich Lambert, Creative Director, had the following to say about it:

While we were working with Nvidia to add support for DLSS, we started working on this new technology and our game will be the first to implement it. It's called Nvidia DLAA, it's a similar concept to DLSS but instead of a performance improvement what you get is absolutely incredible anti-aliasing.

Graphics Engineer Lead Alex Tardif also shared information about it on his Twitter account:

We just announced, in our ESO stream, new content that will be available in the next update.

First is DLSS! A new improvement for our MMO that is already 7 years old.

The second is something new from Nvidia. We will add a new option called DLAA (Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing), using its Deep Learning component but without the scaling to deliver fantastic full resolution AA quality . On RTX GPUs people already run ESO with high FPS, so an exclusive option for AA works perfectly.

TL;DR: Instead of offering a rescaling from a lower resolution image, as is the case with DLSS, this technique takes an image in its native resolution and then enhances it with artificial intelligence to get the highest possible graphic quality. Unfortunately, they haven't demonstrated this new DLAA technology in action yet, but it is expected to become accessible on the Elder Scrolls Online test servers in the near future.

Elder Scrolls Online to debut DLAA, new Nvidia new Anti-Aliasing technology (based on DLSS)

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/elder-scrolls-online-to-debut-dlaanew-nvidia-new-anti-aliasing-technology-(based-on-dlss)/