Doom Eternal may not have Ray-Tracing at launch

Doom Eternal was one of the titles that would get support for hardware-accelerated Ray-Tracing, at least that was the expectancy. But it will not have this technology at launch at the very least.

This is what Marty Stratton, executive producer of iD Software, said about Ray-Tracing support:

“So we actually haven’t talked about that at all. And we, quite frankly, haven’t spent a ton of time. The team basically did some initial implementation and exploration about a year ago. At that same time, we had so much that we wanted to do with the game still.

Our tech team is the biggest fan of new tech. Som it was a little hard to pull everybody off of that because it was the shiny new toy but when we’re talking about getting the game out there and getting out as close on time as possible and at the highest polish quality, we kinda had to pull back that effort.

It is something that they [tech team] are like literally just about ready to start looking at it again. And they actually have some interesting ideas. I don’t want to go too far down on that path cause who knows what exactly we’ll do. However, there is more that you can use the technology for than just reflections, shadows and the real-time lighting.”

Doom Eternal may not have Ray-Tracing at launch

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