Dice Releases Star Wars Battlefront II Patch v0.2

EA and DICE have released the first patch for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. According to the release notes, this first update brings numerous gameplay tweaks, fixes and improvements. It also features general stability and performance improvements. 

Moreover, it fixes several collisions issues, as well as several clipping issues that would occur during the campaign. Origin will auto-download this patch the next time you launch its client, and you can read its complete changelog below.

Hi everyone!

As you know, we have made several changes to the game already – but this will be our first official patch.

This first patch is specifically focused on issues we found during the later stage of development, as well as addressing some critical gameplay and user interface problems across the game. We have also made major improvements to our games stability and performance across all platforms to make the gameplay experience better for everyone.

Rest assured, we will focus strongly on improving the game based on the feedback we get from everyone in our community in our upcoming patches.

So, stay tuned, and if you have the time to give us your feedback on our official forums, we really appreciate it!

The Star Wars Battlefront II Live Team

Patch 0.2 is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


User Interface & HUD


Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/dice-releases-star-wars-battlefront-ii-patch-v0-2/