Could Nvidia be prepping a Volta release?

So currently I am on a business trip and I get a message over facebook from somebody that I do not know personally. He posts that Volta just appeared in HW IDs. After the break more.

So here is literally what the source mentions:

First sign of the new nVIDIA flagship GPU, codenamed Volta has appeared on the horizon and its PCI device ID is 1D81 = Graphics Device [GV100]

Another forum member of ours (looniam) noticed that this was in fact posted by FinalWire AIDA, and this entry thus appeared in their database, indicative of somebody testing something with AIDA.

Volta ladies and gents is a next-gen Nvidia series, indeed due for 2017 but not expected until maybe Q2/Q3?. Initially Volta was to be a 10nm part, however there have been numerous indications that Voltage would be done at 16nm FinFET. These products have HBM2 memory and we know HBM2 is going to available anytime soon. Hey AMD already has working Vega samples with HBM2, so why not Nvidia? Coincidentally next week Nvidia definitely is going to announce something. Everybody is expecting the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti based on Pascal. But could it be that Nvidia already has Volta in their rendering pipeline?

The one line as shown above is ALL the info I received. So take it with a grain of salt and please understand the HUGE disclaimer I am making here as I have nothing solid to report sources wise and thus this remains pure unvalidated speculation.

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