Computex: The Prologue

So ladies and gentlemen, I just wanted to touch base and let you guys know that Guru3D will be attending the Computex in Taiwan next week. In collaboration with Point of View technology we'll travel half way around the globe where we'll arrive on Monday.

Starting around that timeframe say late Tuesday we'll try and bring you the latest info on the hottest products at the exhibit. Pretty much any big player in the hardware industry will be present at Computex which makes it a great opportunity to have a browse. Computex this year will be especially interesting as the TAITRA organization has opened up a completely new facility (TWTC Nangang), 5 kilometers away from the original TWTC buildings. The interesting part is that both location will be used actively meaning that visitors will have to travel in-between buildings (5 km away), rather unusual.

Anyway, just a quick heads up on what to expect next week. We are looking forward bringing you some good info & photo's on this event, which we'll present to you in the same style as our CeBIT articles.

The Computex 2008 landing page can be found here, be sure to keep an eye on it as the good stuff will be posted here >>

Again expect that landing-page location to be updated after Monday/Tuesday.

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