Computex 2015: Plexor for Storage Domination

Most of the companies that guru3D has contact with seem to have a booth at Nangang, the primary computex facility. So does Plextor.

Plextor is showing their latest SSD and PCI-express based NVME products. There is some impressive kit to be found alright, all based on Toshiba NAND flash solutions. On display the latest M series SSDs, the M6E Black edition which we reviewed but also some new M2 and NVME products that can tear a hole in your PC when it comes to performance.

You will notice the new Plextor PCI-Express based M7e, this unit will do roughly 1400 MB/sec and 1000 MB/sec on read and writes, to be released in late Q3 in a 256/512 GB and 1TB version.

If you have a look at the M6V SSD then you'll have akll the bells and whistles on an SSD, yet priced at 30 cents per GB ! The soon to be released unit can manage 535/455 MB/sec on reads and writes depending on the volume size (128/256/512GB). The value SSD will use 14nm Toshiba NAND. 

The M7E is a M.2. SSD that will become available in 256/512 and 1024GB versions, this unit will also do roughly 1400 MB/sec and 1000 MB/sec on read and writes. And yes I requested a black PCB :)

Well, check out the photos and keep an eye out for the specs. Hey, seeing is believing right?

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