Canadian etailer publishes Intel 8th Gen Desktop CPU prices

If all pre-announcements and rumors have been right, tomorrow Intel will announce their 8th gen Core desktop processors. In Canada at an etailer called PC Canada, the prices have leaked.

It seems that prices are going upwards a bit, the Core i7 8700K would be roughly 5% more expensive, the i5 8600K nearly 8%. The rest stays under a 5% margin. Website videocardz spotted these results:

The release tomorrow should be a paper launch as there are no processors available or stock to be found anywhere. For more info on the specififcation of these coffee lake processors, have a look here.

Processor Line7th Gen8th GenDifference
Core i7-x700K $462.41 $484.44 +4.8%
Core i7-x700 $406.35 $407.73 +0.3%
Core i5-x600K $313.95 $338.00 +7.7%
Core i5-x400 $235.87 $237.58 +0.7%
Core i3-x350K $241.82 $233.41 -3.5%
Core i3-x100 $149.08 $152.51 +2.3%

Mind you these are CAD prices not listed at USD. So the 8700K at 484.44 would be 389 USD and 329 Euro. These prices would be exclusive of VAT. PC Canada has not delivery ETA yet mentions that the procs are estimated to arrive  on 2017-09-16

Canadian etailer publishes Intel 8th Gen Desktop CPU prices

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