Call of Duty World at War VGA performance test

Call of Duty World at War PC VGA performanceHours for the actual release, Activision will bring us the fifth part in the Call of Duty series, Call of Duty 5: World at War. We'll do our usual thing for these titles, have a quick chat about the title, look at image quality a couple of screenshots, and then we'll test it with sixteen graphics cards from both ATI and NVIDIA.

The performance should not really be an issue for any modern graphics card as we have shown you today. Mainly the reason behind this is of course that the COD4 graphics engine was used. Surely it has a coupe of tweaks here and there to improve the look and feel of the game. The reality remains though that the title still looks fantastic. The creators managed to give the game that important look and feel, so if you are into the genre, you'll absolutely love this title.

Have a peek at our 16 part VGA performance check, click here to read the article.

Call of Duty World at War PC VGA performance


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