Bose wants to apply noise canceling in cars

Not really PC relates, but this sparked my attention. Bose has been around for years with Active noise cancellation, especially in headphones. In a bit of a new concept, Bose now wants to apply noise canceling in cars.

Bose supplies audio systems to many car manufacturers. They will release a QuietComfort Road Noise Control, short for RNC. The technology is already available. Unpleasant road noises will be minimized. Bose does this by placing various microphones and accelerometers in the cabin. This allows an algorithm to measure vibrations that cause the sounds. The technology is combined with other Bose techniques that reduce the engine noise in vehicles with a combustion engine. The system is also available without Bose audio system.

Here’s how the company describes the new tech in a press release:

“Accelerometers mounted on the vehicle body enable a Bose algorithm to continuously measure vibrations that create noise. This information is then used to calculate an acoustic cancellation signal, which is delivered through the vehicle’s speakers to reduce the targeted noise. Microphones placed inside the cabinmonitor residual noise levels, allowing the system to adapt the control signal for optimized performance over different road surfaces, while automatically adjusting over time as the vehicle ages.” 

The company says the tech, which builds upon and combines with the existing Engine Harmonic Cancellation (EHC) and Bose Engine Harmonic Enhancement (EHE) for reducing engine noise, will begin appearing in cars in 2021.

Bose wants to apply noise canceling in cars

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