Bethesda announces Orion technology for game streaming

Game company Bethesda has announced the Orion streaming technology during a presentation at the E3 game fair. This makes games like Doom playable on smartphones.

Orion was developed by id Software and is a technology to optimize the streaming of games. According to the makers, Orion should provide faster streams, even with a lower bandwidth. Game developers can use Bethesda technology in their games. Orion was demonstrated during the press conference by playing Doom with a controller on a smartphone, according to Bethesda "without visible delay" and in 4K resolution with sixty images per second. A beta will be released later this year.

New games and extensions were also shown. The new Doom game, Doom Eternal , will be released on November 22. The game contains a story mode, but also gets a multiplayer option, where a player competes against two demons.

Bethesda also put his plans for the second year of Fallout 76 on the table. "We had many problems with the game in the beginning," the company admitted. "We have rightly criticized that." Bethesda claims to have solved many of the problems and will release a free expansion in the fall of this year, adding more to the game. For example, there is a new storyline, human characters are added and a battle-royal mode is added. 52 players are placed in a level, one of which remains as the winner. Players must defeat each other and stay away from an ever-burning ring.

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