Battlefield 4 - Beta Details Developer Video

The Beta will give players their first real experience of Battlefield 4 by allowing players to experience Frostbite 3, Levolution and Amphibious Assault in the all-new Siege of Shanghai map in both Conquest and Domination mode. Though this Beta is not just for fun, it also provides gamers the chance to suggest tweaks that could be implemented before the game is released on 1st November 2013. Beta testing will be on current gen consoles only, though information is still being gathered for the next gen consoles. Updates should be more frequent and easier to apply as consoles can continue an update when on standby. The open Beta is available for everyone to participate in from October 4th, though Battlefield 3 Premium members will have the opportunity to join the Beta testing period from October 1st. Dates subject to changeĀ 

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