Battlefield 2042 currently has 74% negative user reviews on Steam.

Battlefield 2042 has received a large number of mostly negative reviews on Steam. I shows 74% negative reviews, which is a massive percentage. Mostly related to the Single player limitations and technical issues.

The majority of the remarks are similar to those that have already been posted on the Battlefield 2042 subreddit. Many players believe that the changes done by DICE have shifted the game away from the old Battlefield formula which we feel is correct. Additionally, there have been numerous reports of problems that have affected the game's playability. In terms of severe bad reviews, in the majority of cases, gamers take the time to prepare lists of the problems they are experiencing in Battlefield 2042, such as missing features and other concerns.

Since the beginning of early access to Battlefield 2042 was announced on Reddit a week ago, fans have expressed their dissatisfaction with the game. In one of the major postings, a screenshot of one of the unfavorable reviews is displayed with the description "The Carnage has started." According to another post, the game is currently ranked sixth worst-reviewed game in the store at the time of writing. A post that stands out is one that encourages gamers to write "correct reviews" on Steam in order to avoid being accused of "review bombing" or sabotage by Electronic Arts.

DICE still needs to address the technical issues that have plagued Battlefield 2042, such as the hitbox issues that have plagued the game. Whether or not EA is able to turn around the negative spin will be determined in the upcoming weeks.

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