Asus introduces Thor PSU that has a small OLED screen (Updated)

Asus has announced its Thor power supply series. The first being a 1200W power supply that actually has a small display integrated which shows real-time power usage. The new series is Platinum certified and yes, RGB Aura SYNC compatible, you better start saving money.

The Asus ROG Thor is a 1200-watt capacity, 80 Plus Platinum efficiency power supply designed to support overclocking processors and multiple graphics cards at once. Marking another entry into a new product line is ROG Thor 1200W Platinum, a 1,200 watt power supply with an IP5X-certified 14mm wing-blade fan and Aura Sync. Eye-catching is the OLED screen that shows the delivered power of the power supply in real time. 



The 1200W power supply should become available by the end of August/beginning of September. the price is TBA but expect something in the 250 USD/Euros ranges, and yes .. ASUS is also working on an 850W variant which will likely be released a month or so later down the line.

Updated: Computex photos added

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