AMD Ryzen 9 7900X CPU-Z Benchmarks show its behind Core i7-12700K in ST

We now have performance statistics for the AMD Ryzen 7900X in the CPU-Z benchmark thanks to leaker @TUM APISAK. This would provide more precise data than the notorious Userbenchmark from a few days ago. 

All of you see below is accomplished at a frequency of 5.2 GHz in 6 cores and around 5.05 GHz in the other 6 cores, yielding a temperature of 86.5 ° C. The score equals the Intel Core i5-12600K and i5-12600KF with 766 points at 5.2 GHz in ST. While this score is almost 18% higher than the previous generation's Zen 3-based Ryzen 5900X, it is still unable to compete with Intel.

The Ryzen 7900X achieves 11,882 points for performance while utilizing 12 cores and 24 threads. We can no longer directly compare it to the previously shown Intel Alder Lakes because the snapshot only contains earlier Intel CPUs. Of course, the Ryzen 7900X's performance is reminiscent of the i7-13700K with a 6.2 GHz overclock that we witnessed a month ago. This exceeded 1,000 points (1,010 points exactly) on CPU-Z, significantly beating the Ryzen 7900X with 32% better single-core performance.

It appears that the Ryzen 7900X cannot outperform a possible i7-13700K in these performance tests. All that remains is to wait for AMD Ryzen 7000 reviews on September 26 and mark October 20 as the date for the introduction of the Intel Core Gen 13.

AMD Ryzen 9 7900X CPU-Z Benchmarks show its behind Core i7-12700K in ST

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