Download: AMD Raven Ridge APU Drivers Q2 2018 version 18.10.02

Raven Ridge based APUs, the Ryzen 5 2400G and Ryzen 3 2200G, have not seen a new driver update ever since it's release early this year. The initial driver actually was Crimson based. AMD just updated the driver, which now is Adrenalin based, it's still a standalone driver though, specific to the APUs.

We mentioned this topic a few weeks ago, that the APU was still driven by an older 2017 Crimson based driver. Over the past few weeks, I have received multiple emails from end users, complaining that the drivers have never been updated. To get you guys some answers we reached out to AMD. Initially, when we received the APUs (February) we were told that the APUs would be added towards the latest driver builds. Many weeks, even months, have passed ever since release, and everybody who bought or has a Ryzen 3 2200G (review) / Ryzen 5 2400G (review) APU, still is using the same February driver.

Since the graphics processor inside the APU is a really pretty one for budget gaming, it kind of is annoying to not receive GPU updates for support for the latest games. Well, a driver has been released and there have been some bugfixes; the increased load during the long-term play of Destiny 2 has been foxed as well as tearing with FreeSync screens has been resolved. AMD also added the possibility to upload or stream a ReLive video to Facebook without unexpected interruptions. In addition there are a number of known issues have been fixed such as a bsod when starting up Radeon Settings without restarting after a driver installation and stuttering at The Witcher 3.

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Package Contents
The Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition Q2 2018 installation package contains the following:


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