AMD reaches 30% CPU Share in Steam

It is time to revisit the steam hardware survey, and as you can see, AMD is still in the rise with Ryzen, the Radeon sales are stagnating though.

AMD reached a 30 percent market share in processors, so the trend is continuing to go upwards. For Windows, octacores in particular do well, at the expense of quad and hexacore models. Specifically, 70% of the computers use an IntelĀ  CPU (-0.46%) compared to 30% of AMD CPUs (+ 0.46%). We will see if this trend is modified in favor of the blues with the possible arrival of their Alder Lake-S processors at the end of October .

AMD has been unable to meet demand, in the GPU segment. Nvidia has moved up slightly at the expense of AMD. With a current share of 16.18%, Radeon products have remained at around 16 percent since the end of 2019. Thus, the latest generation of RX 6000 graphics cards have not caused any substantial changes in the market situation.

45.11% of PC gamers have 16 GB of RAM (-0.41%); Full HD resolution continues to be the great standard for gaming with a share of 67.24% (-0.36%); And finally, the Windows 10 64-bit operating system is the most used, specifically by 92.87% of all Steam users (+ 0.04%).

AMD reaches 30% CPU Share in Steam

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