AMD Radeon Rx 480 3DMark 11 Performance Benchmark Surfaces #2

I'll post a little addendum on the news coverage from yesterday where a Radeon Rx 480 3DMark 11 Performance surfaced at futuremark. Yesterday I didn't look too deeply into the database, however ever since late May there are multiple entries of the card, also one showing a P17244 score.

BTW finding stuff like this is all about Google really. Just go to google an go for this: 67DF:C7 and you'll be surprized to see what you find. Now back to the post, the P17244 is intersting. Scores range from 11K towards 17K now, a rather wide margin. The P17244 result was done on a Core i7-4770 setup, however with two cards ...

Anyway browse a little for yourself, here's a more complete comparison link. Click on graphics card to see the 67DF:C7 entry confirmes. The fastest scores are based on build drivers.

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