AMD Radeon R9 Nano Faster than GeForce GTX 980 + Pricing

AMDs upcoming Nano graphics card is supposedly faster then the GeForce GTX 980 and a good 30% faster compared to the GTX 970. The small form factor card will be interesting alright. 

Rumors suggest that the specs of the card are equal towards the Fury X, yet with thermal limiters pushing down performance. Pricing is now under discussion as well, as it is rumored the card would cost a whopping US $649.99 Now honestly, I cannot see that happening at all as a GTX 970 is 300 USD and a GTX 980 just over 450 USD. But time will tell of course. Interesting times, that's a fact :)

Later this in the day we'll be provising a small preview of the card, which should lift some concerns and questions. 

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