AMD Radeon 390X WCE - Water-Cooled Edition

Yep and then there is the slide after the break, that surfaced on the web over the weekend, it confirms leaks about R9 390X 8GB HBM. Anyway check after the break to see what is mentioned in the slide, that's IF it isn't a fake of course.

The leaker (videocardz) claims this slide is a part of in-house presentation called ‘2015 Future of Radeon’ that will be shown next week to AIB partners (not to public).

AMD Radeon R9 390X WCE:

Next iteration of the highly successful GCN design

Granted the screenshot does look like an AMD slide, the text however has typo's (functionality is misspelled) and weird wording like "DirectX 12_Tier 3 implementation" which is uncommon for AMD as everything is vetted and goes through a screening process.

Ah well .. here's that slide:

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