AMD Frank Azor Trying To Say Something On Twitter Likely Big Navi (again)

We truly wish that professional companies communicate ... professionally? Please stop using social media for dumb as you know what tweets. Here we have Frank Azor, marketing manager and Chief Architect of Gaming Solutions for AMD tweeting the lyrics from the musical Annie. Tomorrow.  

Now I like a good euphemism myself but I do mean this honestly and genuinely, AMD grow the heck up and communicate in a competent professional way. This is not how companies should profile themselves to create a lame viral. When I noticed this post this morning I really did not want to post it on the website, it of course went somewhat viral as several media are now reporting that 'Big Navi is coming' .. The tweet of course reiterates hopes that Big Navi news is on the way. In fact, this could be the case today/tomorrow. 

Azor's tweet contains a verbatim quote from the lyrics the musical Annie (Tomorrow), I mean really ... how painful must this be? This is the stuff a 12-year old posts. It seems to indicate that the sun will shine again tomorrow for AMD. This is expected to mean that an announcement will be made about Big Navi, and good God we have seen way too many AMD folks shouting, 'yeah it's coming this year', for over a year now. Yeah AMD we know it's coming in Q3/Q4, stop disappointing us with this stuff and perhaps actually announce and show us the products?

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