AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 Source Code Now Available on GPUOpen

AMD has released the source code for FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3) through its GPUOpen initiative. The source code is hosted on a dedicated GitHub repository, offering access to game developers globally. This release includes the full source code compatible with DirectX 12, and a plugin specifically designed for integration with Unreal Engine 5. The company provides extensive documentation alongside the source code. This documentation aims to facilitate developers in understanding and integrating FSR 3 technology into their gaming and application projects effectively. Furthermore, AMD has announced the expansion of FSR 3 support to an array of new and forthcoming games.

The supported titles include "Black Myth: Wukong," several new games in the "Warhammer" series like "Darktide," "Space Marine II," and "Realms of Ruin," as well as upcoming games such as "Starfield," "Pax Dei," and "Crimson Desert."

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