AMD expected to talk about their Raytracing Strategy during E3

AMD is making a bit of a teasing statement through AMD's Ruth Cotter, vice president of the Marketing and Investor Relations Department mentions that AMD will also be discussing raytracing at E3 next week.

The news was picked up by Investor aimed news site Seeking Alpha who has reported extensively on what AMD has said at the event. AMD has released close to NIL information about raytracing, except that it is very important technology and that it is absolutely being worked on, At E3 there will be more announcements, of course the NAVI generation GPUs will be detailed with new RDNA architecture, PCIe 4 and GDDR6. NAVI  will at the very least end up being offered as a Radeon RX 5700.

Cotter on the topic:

I'm not going to steal Lisa's thunder, but we'll share that with you. PCIe 4, GDDR6, other architectural features that we want to bring to that architecture that wants to be sustainable across multiple generations and we'll be good. And then in time obviously, we need to start talking about what our ray tracing strategy is moving forward and some other elements. So we look forward to E3 and we hope everybody wants to tune in on Monday.

Ruth Cotter, AMD Senior Vice President


Earlier on in an interview with PC World, Lisa Su evasively responded to the question of whether Raytracing will be part of the RDNA architecture and referred to more details on E3, while emphasizing that AMD considers the topic very important and is working on it: " We're definitely working on ray tracing. That's true. But like I said, we'll give you more roadmap at E3. " Raytracing has already been announced for the PlayStation 5 with AMD Custom Navi GPU.

AMD's presentation at the start of E3 will be streamed live on YouTube and Facebook June 10th, 3pm PDT, which in Amsterdam (CEST) is spot on midnight on the night of June 10 to June 11. We'll be live streaming the event from our front page should you be interested.


AMD expected to talk about their Raytracing Strategy during E3

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