AMD announces driver that reduces PCIe power usage RX 480

AMD is to release a new driver soon that will reduce the power draw from the PCI-Express bus. The Radeon Software driver 16.7.1 will also offer performance increases that would boost up perf with 3%

In a statement, AMD says it is confident to have dealt with the power demanded by the Radeon RX 480 over the PCI-E slot, it poses no risk of damaging the motherboard or other components. The manufacturer nevertheless comes up with a solution, in order to eliminate worries of users.

The change should result in less consumption through the PCI-E slot. AMD probably modifies the driver so that the video card can draw more power from the 6-pin power connector. While that one also is likely to exceed the specification of 75W, in practice that should not be a problem.


There will also be a second option in the Radeon software that reduces the total consumption of the card, with minimal performance loss, says AMD. This setting is named "compatibility" and will be located in the Global Radeon Settings Settings menu. By default, this feature is disabled. AMD gives no precise details yet on what this feature, but possibly the speed of the GPU in this setting is adjusted so that the consumption does not exceed the specified 150W.

Radeon Software 16.7.1 is available within 48 hours, indicating a release on Friday. The new driver also performs general performance improvements for video cards with the Polaris architecture. Some games should result in a gain to three percent.

The next driver update is a response from AMD on the consumption of the RX 480. In some reviews it was discovered that the video card requires more than 75W of the PCI-E slot on the motherboard. AMD responded over in the weekend and promised an update on this topic, which is the announcement of Radeon Software 16.7.1.

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