Aliens: Colonial Marines: Small Typo made aliens AI stupid

Who remembers Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013) and it's quite horrible in-game AI, as it turns out. The game was borked due to a one letter typo. Deleting the correct letter from a .ini file is enough to play the game, this time with proper AI.

As it turned out, Gearbox Software outsourced a lot of this game to other studios during development and included a “tether” system when assigning AI commands to the game’s enemies. So when you locate PecanEngine.ini  in "My Games \ Aliens Colonial Marines \ PecanGame \ Config", as mentioned by jamesdickinson963 from ModDB Ai all of the sudden changes. Change the following:

There only the marked "a" of the following line must be deleted:


AttachPawnToTether" controls, among other things, patrolling, the pursuit of prey and tactical position changes. The various zones tell an alien what its surroundings look like and where exits are located. The game is confirmed to show improved behavior.

Aliens: Colonial Marines: Small Typo made aliens AI stupid

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