2K and Hangar 13 Mess up Mafia III release with dumb 30 FPS cap (+video)

What was supposed to be one of the nicer game releases yours truly had been looking out for is Mafia III. I had the game on pre-order to be able to enjoy it and to make a graphics card performance review on it. As it turns out, the developers completely messed up the release.

Yesterday evening the first reports already got out from some media who received a press-build (not us btw), indicating that the game is locked at an 30 FPS CAP, which obviously is ridiculous on the PC platform. Apparently even the developers were baffled about the cap which makes you wonder what kind of quality control you have when you release a AAA title game and as a developer not even know that the game apparently has been capped at 30 FPS on the PC.

To release the game as poorly as 2K and Hangar 13 apparantly think they can do is once again a big blow in the face op PC gamers who care about smooth and fast framerates with high quality graphics. We cannot stress enough how baffling this news is and how poor the quality control at 2K and Hangar 13 apparently has been. It is just shameful really. 

There is some good news though, this all blew up in the face of 2K and Hangar 13 yesterday evening as pretty much everybody who had the game on pre-order, cancelled it. 2K and Hangar 13 have issues a small statement in which they let the end-users know that a new patch is in the works and that the caps will be removed. But that is going to happen somewhere over the weekend:

UPDATE [10/6 / 6PM PT]: We currently have a patch running here at the studio that includes 30, 60, and unlimited frames-per-second options in the video menu, among other improvements for the PC version of Mafia III. We’re verifying the patch now to ensure everything is working as expected. If everything goes well, we expect the update to go live this weekend. We will be keeping the PC community up-to-date on the status of the patch throughout the weekend and thank you for all the feedback!

ORIGINAL POST: We know how important having options that best suit your PC’s performance capabilities are. The team has been hard at work ensuring that Mafia III’s performance is consistent across all platforms, and right now the game runs at a solid 30 frames-per-second. We are currently working on an update for PC that will give players the option to play Mafia III at higher framerates. We’ll share more details about the update, and when you can expect it to arrive, very soon. In the meantime, the team welcomes feedback and would like to hear from you about what performance adjustment options are important to you. We’re actively considering a number of additional post-launch improvements on PC that would give players more control over how they can tailor the game’s experience to suit their rig’s performance. It’s been an incredible journey developing Mafia III and we couldn’t be more excited to get the game in your hands and hear what you think!


Above a video I just grabbed of the game / gameplay with an RTSS overlay enabled to show framerate behaviour.

What a mess, unbelievable. Also the game does not feel smooth (at that framerate) and character movement is rather juddery. Next to that panning the camera looks bad and the controls feel rather poor as well (unresponsive). 

If this isn't fixed in the next 24 hrs, people should just demand a refund, as PC gamers we just should not take these half-assed releases for granted anymore.

- H.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/2k-and-hangar-13-mess-up-mafia-iii-release-with-retarded-30-fps-cap/