Guru3D 2017 December 8 contest - Corsair Gift Pack worth € 339

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Maybe it is something with your ISP or your system settings, been here last 1-2h trying to find keyboard , never happened to me
Perhaps. I managed to find it in the end.
Yay i found it real fast 😀 I like these mini games
Huh, no dice on my first pass. Good luck everyone, I'm not going through that again, lol.
Hilbert !! You really good now at hiding stuff. Come one, hit us again, we love it.
Damn, can't believe I missed this one on my first pass. A tip guys, don't try to do the hunt straight after getting home from work... 😳 After having some R&R I went trough them again and found it easily. Still, as predicted, it's tougher than the first, and it'll only get tougher still. 😀
Got it on second run, getting more and more difficult = nice. Never spend 2h of my life so excited 🙂
It was well hidden. Thank you Guru3D!
That was hidden damn well. I scoured through all of them once. And then on second run... Damnit Hilbert that was good 😀
Pathetic! Wasted over 2 hours, went twice through each link... without success. Now I'm frustrated, sleepy, angry, and about to get in a fight with my gf. Thanks! Stupid piece of sh*t contest.
So what happens if you choose wrong?

So what happens if you choose wrong?
You have to send your own keyboard & headset to Guru3d, but they do give you two hours of your life back in return!
I will go find it, just to generate revenue.I will not participate in this contest.
Nice Prize 🙂 Good luck peoples

Pathetic! Wasted over 2 hours, went twice through each link... without success. Now I'm frustrated, sleepy, angry, and about to get in a fight with my gf. Thanks! Stupid piece of sh*t contest.
LoL Rekt! Open your eyes goddammit!
Enjoyed the contest, found it.Smart, sneaky this one!! As stated above I will not participate.
I thought this one was easy, instantly recognised it, the previous logo hunt (the NAS box) I had more trouble with that one but that was just because it was near the end of my selection order :'(
Detest this type of entry but I took a chance. Decided on checking the articles that these particular items make most sense they would be used in and low and behold I was right.
Never for once in my life I ever wish I'd win a contest as much as this one. I really hope I can finally change my friggin HP lousy office keyboard that ive been using to play games for years 🙄
That was a tough one, got it on my second pass.