CalDigit ships CalDigit VR storage system

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CalDigit has announced that its CalDigit VR two drive RAID storage system is now shipping. Designed with a quadruple interface, the storage system supports USB 2, FireWire400, FireWire 800, and eSATA drives. CalDigit VR comes complete with two swappable drive modules for simpler replacement and expansion, along with the ability to replace the fan if necessary. The storage device offers speeds of up to 220MB/sec in RAID, and over 110MB/sec with RAID 1 protection.

Other features include an environmental monitor that displays information on temperature, fan RPM, and hard drive health, and security capabilities that allow the device to provide password protection, and a security lock that keeps the drives in place. A temperature controled smart-fan is used to determine when the storage device needs cooling. CalDigit also comes with software that provides diagnostic reports, e-mail notifications, management and firmware-update capabilities, and monitoring of the device.

CalDigit is priced at $500 for the 1.28TB model; a 4TB model is expected to be released soon.


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