Crysis Benchmark Tool 1.05 Final

There is no need to install anything, just unzip the file and you're ready to go.
To uninstall:
Just delete the folder.

Using the tool
When you start-up the program for the first time, you may need to set the gamepath.
This will happen if you have multiple versions (full, SP demo, MP Demo) installed.
After you've done that, you need to set-up the benchmark settings;
You can set the overall and all the other quality settings, but you can also set the:

Current Features

Current Limitations
There are some current limitations that will be added in future release.

Download and Requirements:
Only tested on XP and Vista 32/64, the tool detects them appropriately.
There is no installer/uninstaller, just unzip and double click to use.
Requires .NET framework. You probably have it installed but if problems arise in running the tool it try these downloads from Microsoft:
x86 .NET framework redist
x64 .NET framework redist

Crysis benchmark

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