Chaos Theory Benchmarking Scripts

1. Copy the folder "benchmark" to the game's \system\ directory

2. Edit the "benchmark.bat" file with Notepad and edit the 2nd line to point to where you
installed the game on your hard drive. In the example benchmark.bat file provided, I
had installed the game to D:\SC Chaos Theory\ .

NOTE : Everything in this archive assumes you are using the English version of
Windows 2000/XP. If you are, DO NOT edit the 3rd line in the benchmark.bat file -- the
game always look for it. For users of other language versions of Windows 2000/XP
you are out of luck as I have no idea how to translate all of this into various languages!

How it works
There is a total of 10 initialization files, all ending with the .ini extension. These are
split into 2 main groups -- one for using ShaderModel 1_1 in the game and the other for
using ShaderModel 3_0 in the game. Each group covers the usual 5 resolutions used for
testing video cards -- 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960 and 1600x1200.

Courtesy of this script goes to Antony Tan at 3DPulpit

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