AMD Catalyst 12.11 Download Beta 11

The new driver has had some TLC from AMD, improving overall performance on a number of games. AMD's Never Settle Catalyst 12.11 driver will be available as a non-WHQL beta. A WHQL version will follow later on in November.

We have a review on this driver in this article and you can discuss the driver in this thread.

Opposed to the previous driver releases the team has been able to boost overall game performance throughout the 7000 series with 5% and up-to 20%, so that's quite significant.

Here’s the full set of notes for the latest driver:

 (Please note that AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta11 includes all of the fixes found in previous versions of AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta)

The key take away is that if you’re playing Far Cry 3 – you need both AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta11 and AMD Catalyst 12.11 CAP2 installed.


This driver introduces significant performance improvements for many games across ALL 28nm AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series products: HD 7700, HD7800 and HD7900. 

Performance Highlights of the AMD CATALYST 12.11 BETA Driver

Resolved issue highlights of AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta Driver

But as stated throughout the scope of game titles you should be able to notice significant enough performance increases. The performance increases can be as little as a few percent, on average however we see an up-to 10% performance increase and in a case of two the performance benefit even reached roughly 20%

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