Guru3D Rig of the Month - August 2010

The Guru3D Rig of the Month 153 Page 3 of 4 Published by



8. Does your PC live up to your expectations ?


Rig of the Month August 2010

9. What's the best part of your rig?

The water cooling system.

Rig of the Month August 2010

10. What sucks and should not have been bought?

I don't regret of anything. I'm always reading reviews and such so I don�t have to regret and making sure I buy the right stuff

Rig of the Month August 2010

11. Did you modify anything ?  cases/video cards/other? Did you do it yourself? Walk us through it.

I modified the PCI-E and the ATX-24 pin cables, I changed the 350L/h pump of the Reserator 1 Plus for a 1000L/h pump and I water blocked my GPUs.

Rig of the Month August 2010

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