HP Caves in on Printer Ink Discussion - Will Adjust Software

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A few days ago we reported that HP implemented firmware on their printers that will reject non-HP ink cartridges - it was a deliberately move to make sure that consumers purchase HP ink and as HP stated, a move that would not be fixed. The company that charges 30 euro for 50 milliliter ink changed it's mind after huge global criticism.

HP was under a lot of scrutiny after they silently invoked the firmware updates. HP issued an apology and states that a new update is in the works that will make the printers and their ink cartridges functional again. According to the company only a small group of consumers is affected by the problems. "But every dissatisfied customer is one too many."

The firmware updates had been invoked, according to HP, "to protect the printers and secure communication between cartridge and printer."

Fact is, it was simply blocking ink cartridges that did not have original HP ink. Manufacturers of printers do not earn their money with the sales of the printers themselves, but the sale of ink cartridges provides them their profit and margin. However in the case of HP, they charge 30 euros for 50 milliliters of ink, and you need roughly 4 different cartridges for a color printer setup. Ink has become the new black gold.

HP Caves in on Printer Ink Discussion - Will Adjust Software

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