ATi Far Cry Technology Demo

Benchmarks & Demo's 179 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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The ATI-Crytek demo uses same next-generation CryENGINE that will be used to create the successor to Far Cry. Since the CryENGINE enables immediate playability of a created game without the lengthy wait for compiling, enthusiasts into creating "mods" will have an easy way to make new gaming content for themselves. The ATI/Crytek demo shows just how easy it can be, especially since it is optimized to run on ATI's RADEON X800 XT series and the new RADEON PCI Express graphics boards. Download the demo and see for yourself how photo-realistic "machinima" cinematic computing will change your future gaming experience!

ATI & Crytek - The future of PC gaming Hollywood style

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